8 Canvassing Tips for Contractors

8 Canvassing Tips for Contractors
Aaron O'Hanlon
Aaron O'Hanlon September 18, 2012

Canvassing is a hard, but very cost effective marketing and sales tool that many home improvement contractors should be implementing. Even if it is in the location of a job site, or an area that you wish to be working in, it can deliver leads for your company. Listed below are some tips to help you get started on your canvassing campaign:

  1. Be prepared - This includes not only have a hand out for each person you meet, but also umbrella for rain, dog treats for potential problematic dogs, Band-Aids, or anything else you will need, because it will be a long day.
  2. Plan your expectations - What is the goal of your canvassing campaign? To set an appointment, to collect name and address, or make a sale. Each canvasser should have goals and objectives to attain on every door they knock.
  3. Have a script - Each canvasser should have a script they have memorized and have been trained to answer any questions that may arise.
  4. Take a step back - After ringing/knocking on the door take a giant step back. If you are too close to the door you come off as threatening.
  5. Look homeowners in the eye - Get right to the point. Regardless if it is roofing, bathroom remodeling, or the latest home generator, your first sentence should include exactly why you are there. Get to the point of sale in your first sentence. Your first sentence will be short, have a couple of highlights about your service/product you are representing and end in an open question.
  6. Confidence and belief - Make sure that you or your canvassers actually believe in what you are offering. If there is any hesitation or dishonesty of what you are doing it will fail. A good canvasser will look a homeowner in the eye and speak what they believe to be true. Speak with confidence. Canvassers need not hesitate or sound "unsure" of why they are there at a homeowners front door.
  7. Tell everyone - Share with everyone that you've canvassed that you appreciate their time they've taken to talk to you, and that you enjoyed talking to them.
  8. Follow up - Whoever you get information from, or have a good conversation with, always follow up. This can be a simple card or additional marketing materials to the house.

Like every form of marketing and sales technique, you need a system in order to succeed. If you have any additional questions or concerns about canvassing, reach out to us today!

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