Increase Your Response Rate With These Quick Postcard Tips

Increase Your Response Rate With These Quick Postcard Tips
Aaron O'Hanlon
Aaron O'Hanlon October 10, 2011

Postcards can be an effective and affordable part of your contractor marketing program. So don't let a lack of writing experience stop you from using them.

Start with your audience. Make a list of the things that might be important to them. Then narrow it down to what you think is the most important element. Use that item for your headline and all throughout your copy. Remember you want to target your potential client base on an emotional level. People are not looking for "bathroom remodeling", they are looking for "spa-like experience" when it comes to reading direct mail pieces.

Keep Your Postcard Simple

You won't have a lot of space on your postcard, so don't spread your message too thin. One fully developed topic is a hundred times better than five half-developed topics.

By focusing on one product (or service, or idea, or topic), you can develop it in a way that is more likely to generate a response. You could mention the primary benefits, give a testimonial or two, show some photos, make a strong offer and provide a call to action. You need to focus on only one service and one offer. You cannot mention that you are a home builder as well as you will paint a room. Keep it simple and on target for the individual service you are offering. Homeowners give postcards a lot less attention then other marketing materials. A quick glance may be all you get. So keep your postcard focused and to the point - one idea per postcard, so keep it simple.

Use a Strong and Clear Headline

Headlines can make or break a marketing postcard, depending on how they're used. Remember, you want to capture your prospects' attention based on their initial glance. A glance is all you get, so don't waste it. Tell them right away what you're offering and what it can do for them.

Create a Call to Action – What is Their Next Step?

There is a sales path to be followed, and the marketing postcard is the first (or sometimes second) step along that path. That's the job it should perform - moving the reader forward in the sales process. Should they call you? Visit your website? Scan a QR code? Make it prominent on what you want the homeowner to do.

Regardless of your postcard design the number one responsibility of sending our postcards is to test... And then test again. You will not get an immediate response from postcard marketing, so you need to send to your marketing list several times a year in order to get a positive response and ROI.

If you are looking for postcard design work, please visit Footbridge Marketing Team or if you have any other suggestions for Footbridge Media Contractors, please feel free to leave your suggestions below.

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